Niklas Merz
Software engineer doing all kinds of mobile and backend stuff.
- Cordova needs you in 2025! Let's start with a meetup
- Why you should care about WebViews
- Cordova is still not dead in 2024 - My personal take
- The Cordova community survey
- It's all about the community - Open Source Personas
- I found a bug in an open source project - What to do next?
- You cannot solve problems in open source by throwing money at them
- The 4-day-workweek is the best change in my career so far
- The state of Apache Cordova in 2022 - My personal take
- Ramblings about developing software
- Getting a CVE number for a security issue in an open source project
- How to make Cordova plugin development suck a little less
- Gifts From Open Source
- Linux on ChromeOS (Crostini) is now usable for developers
- Working with Git without actually getting it
- A tale of a Cordova developer fighting with WebViews on iOS
- Using Github Actions to archive Netlify Analytics data
- How to read and save files in JavaScript starting with Chrome 86
- Struggling with motivation in programming
- How I vote on Apache Cordova releases
- One year at Apache
- I analyzed my fiscal year 2019 in Javascript
- My first open source payout
- Experiencing an Hackathon organized by the European Union
- The European Union and Open Source Software
- Go Serverless: Part 2 Google Cloud Run
- Go Serverless: Part 1 Google Cloud Functions
- How I learn new skills as a developer
- Open the hood
- How to use your Yubikey with ChromeOS Containers for SSH
- Deploy to Kubernetes with Github Actions
- Containerize your Go application with Docker
- Teacher substitution app Alexa companion skill
- Our first blog